Students get involved in campus cleaning, Swatch Bharat, Planting Sapling, Gardening, etc. Presentations on Climate Change, Global Warming, Cleanliness and Hygiene, and various other topics are conducted. Awareness outreach programs on Environment Conservation were conducted.
Students learn about various high-end technologies apart from their curriculum. They make various scientific models such as robotic models. They work with various equipment and bring about models of innovative cost-efficient ideas.
GPC encourages music lovers to get together and share their interests through the medium of the Music Club. The members of the music club are responsible for heading the choir in the Morning Assembly and they take part actively in all the Praise and Worship sessions that are being hosted by the college occasionally. The club has facilities for learning, practice, and performance.
Students who are passionate about arts, crafts and like master their on-stage performing skills such as dance, master of ceremony, those who want to develop their spoken and language skills are motivated and trained to sharpen their skills. This club encourages our students to involve writing poetry, blogs, and other activities which will mold their fine arts skills.
This club provides an opportunity for all students to participate in some form of sports activities which will build team spirit and revive and rejuvenate them in their learning process. Some of the Sports Students involve in are Cricket, Football, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Badminton, and other games.