Training and Placement

Goals and Functions

Goals and Functions


The Training and Placement Cell aims to:

  • Build strong connections with industries for internships, projects, and jobs.
  • Provide Soft Skills Training for better communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.
  • Promote Entrepreneurship awareness and support through mentorship, funding, and networking.
  • Offer Professional Development opportunities for faculty and staff to stay updated.
  • Keep students informed about Changing Trends and equip them with relevant skills for employment.


Functions of the Training and Placement Cell include:

  • Establishing relationships with industries for recruitment and internships.
  • Providing career counselling and assistance for job placements.
  • Organizing training programs to improve employability skills.
  • Conducting industry readiness programs to expose students to real-world practices.
  • Engaging alumni for mentorship and networking opportunities.